Monday, March 14, 2016

Lets Change the World

Most, if not all of us want to change the world. We want to make a difference, do something worthwhile with our lives, ‘Go big or go home’, but how are we acting on that dream? Are we waiting for our ‘Big Break’ where we will suddenly be at the right place at the right time and have all the right words and become famous overnight and the best speaker in the world and lead thousands of people to Christ? Recently God gave me a little reality check, I’ve always been one of the ones who wanted to change the world and just sat around waiting for God to call me to be a missionary or start an orphanage or something really awesome like that. Then one day I was sitting at church one Sunday morning listening to our pastor preach and I started thinking about how God has given me a passion for middle school and high school girls. Then I got this brilliant idea that I should start some sort of bible study for them but just as soon as God put that idea into my head I started coming up with excuses as to why I shouldn’t do that like, God I don’t know anyone that age, God how am I supposed to help someone else get through life when I’m barley staying on my feet, God I wanted to change the world… and that’s when God just sat back and smiled because right in that moment I realized something very important. You can’t change the world if you aren’t willing to start small with the people who need you the most. God put people all around you for you to love on and serve and if we aren’t willing to start with those very important people why should we be allowed to be given the responsibility of the world?

We can change the world one person at a time. We start with our neighbors or best friends and we love on everybody. We love the person who just cut us off, or the cashier at Target, or that one person who always asks us for favors and never repays, or the person who broke your heart, or your best friend who left you to be best friends with the “cool crowd”. God tells us in Mark 12:30-31 ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this Love your neighbor as yourself there is no commandment greater than these.’ Jesus said this when he was asked what the greatest of all the commandments (laws) was so obviously it’s kind of a big deal to God that we love people, right?

We've all seen the ripples on the water when we drop something into it, they start small and get bigger. You could touch one person's life and they could touch one person's life or maybe they are going to be the one that God uses to reach thousands. You just never know God's plan. You changing one life could end up changing so many more that you may never even know about until you get to heaven. Just keep that in mind.

We may never be a famous speaker who leads thousands to Christ or a missionary to Africa but that’s not what God asks all of us to do. Sometimes he asks us to start small, and the reward for that in Heaven is just as great as it would be if you shared the gospel with the world. God has a specific and wonderful plan for each of us in the areas where we are passionate and skilled. So keep your eyes and heart open and just take what God gives you for now, who knows what it will lead to in the future. Let God work out all the details and you go along for the ride. Trust me, God has great things in store for you!

I hope y’all have an amazing day and keep your head up and smile on! You are loved and cherished by our amazing God! Thank you so much for joining me today! God bless!


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful message! Always great to be loved by God! Missed you today! Hope you are having fun!
    God Bless you! David Julson


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